Format of Abstracts

We strongly recommend downloading the template which can be downloaded HERE

The specifics of the abstract format are:

  1. The total length of the abstract can be no more than 1 A4 size sheet, including header and footer information, title, affiliations, email, references and figures.
    2. Abstracts should be submitted as MS Word documents in Times New Roman font.
    3. Document should be set at 1.15 line spacing.
    4. Do not put any indents or any other formatting.
    5. The title should have a font size of 14 and be bold and centered on the page
    (see Figure 1).
    6. The title is followed by 1 space then the list of authors (First name followed by Last       name) in 12 font size, bold and also centered.
    7. Each author should have a superscript after their name.
    8. An asterisk after the superscript should denote the presenting author.
    9. There should be 1 line space followed by each author’s affiliation (with corresponding       superscript), also centered on the page and font size 10.
    10. No line spaces between the affiliations.
    11. Immediately below the last affiliation an asterisk should be given followed by the       words “Presenting author email:”.
    12. This is followed by 1 line space then the bulk of the abstract (see Figure 1).
    13. See Figure 2 for proper margins and settings but briefly they are:
    a. Header and Footer 1.25 cm,
    b. Top 3 cm,
    c. Bottom 2 cm,
    d. Left and right margins 2.5 cm,
    e. Gutter 0 cm.
    14. Any references should be on line space below the last line of the abstract, be 10-point font and no lines between references.
    15. The references should be in the style of the International Journal of Coal Geology, for       example:

“Bratvold, R.B., Begg, S.H., 2008. I would rather be vaguely right than precisely wrong: A new approach to decision making in the petroleum exploration and production industry. AAPG Bulletin 92, 1373-1392.”

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All Abstracts need to be emailed to by the deadline of 10 JULY 2024.
If there are questions concerning the abstracts, please email and/or