Refund policy


40th TSOP EVENT Level of Refund by Date of Cancellation*
100% 50% 0%
Conference registration
Presenting delegates**
Non-presenting delegates
on or before 2 Aug
on or before 12 Aug
2-16 Aug
12-29 Aug
on or after 17 Aug
on or after 30 Aug
Pre-conference field trip on or before 4 Sept 5-8 Sept on or after 9 Sept
Short courses on or before 14 Aug 15-31 Aug on or after 1 Sept
Conference dinner on or before 4 Sept 5-8 Sept on or after 9 Sept
Post-conference field trip on or before 2 Aug 3-16 Aug on or after 17 Aug

*All bank costs for refunds are borne by participants; no cash refunds are given at the conference.
**Note: delegates who have submitted abstracts for oral or poster presentations MUST pay by the 17th of Aug, otherwise the abstract will be removed from the schedule and program. This is a hard deadline and can not be extended.